Niche photography website builders like Pixpa, Cargo Collective, and SmugMug are great at showcasing photos and are cheaper, but an all-purpose website builder (which also has everything a photography website needs) like Squarespace is recommended for its wide range of features and scalability options. When you use a custom template that highlights photos, it’s easier to show off your work. LBV Design House is a wedding design studio in Austin, Texas that curates personal information for weddings. The site uses a well-built Squarespace photo template that presents their work in a single-column layout, making the photos stand out and giving the

site a minimalistic look.

What does a web photographer do?

To make sure your work shows up in the results, you’ll need a photography website and some search engine optimization (SEO) basics. It’s really a necessity if you’re planning to market your work and grow in the professional photography industry. There are a few reasons why a website is critical to the success of your photography business, and in today’s market, it goes far beyond a place where you can display your work. There are plenty of good reasons why you should spend some money and have your own website and a unique domain name.

You need a photography website to make sure the image is the first thing people see of your work, followed by a few other pictures taken months apart.
